lunes, 15 de noviembre de 2021

empresas eco Andalucía

 Asociación ECOVALIA (.asociación profesional española de la producción ecológica) , Dieta Ecológica; AOVE La Casona; La Vieja Buchaca; Castillo de Canena; Soul K-Kombucha; Aceites Vizcántar; La Umbría Ibérico Ecológico; Envasados Ecológicos Lola; Bodegas Robles; Fábrica de Esencias Ossa de Montiel; Unolivo; Vitasnacks; J. Méndez Distribuciones Ecológicas y Oleogaia Ecológico. Cantueso natural seeds (recuperación paisajista, depuración de aguas residuales, aprovechando las ) 

sábado, 13 de noviembre de 2021

CANCER, curas y tratamientos


El cancer tiene cura. 
NO MAMOGRAFÍAS. La radiación ionizante causa cáncer de mama.No  se debe administrar ni radiación ni quimio, pues debilitan el sistema inmune, el responsable de la cura. Opciones :
  1.   TERMOGRAFIA no produce radiación y lo detecta años antes, existe de cuerpo entero. Doctor que la hace:
  2.  ecografía, sin radiación, se lo hacen a embarazadas. 
  3. ultrasonido.

Hay que llevar una vida saludable de mente, cuerpo y espíritu y por supuesto aplicar remedios potentes y efectivos que no anulen nuestro sistema inmune.
Aquí dejo unos libros de autores que me gustan


Solo falta en este importante protocolo las plantas Kalanchoe y Artemisia Annua, el MMS/Dióxido de Cloro y  el origen emocional de la mayoría de enfermedades entre ellas el  cancer.

Premios nobeles de medicina o química denuncian  que las farmacéuticas anteponen los beneficios a la salud:


Posibles tratamientos alternativos(sustitutivos) al cancer son:

  • dióxido de cloro CDS-el antídoto curalotodo (ver protocolos en la web de Andreas Kalker)
  • Plata coloidal (en concentración 30 ppm, 1 cucharada /día) 
  • DMSO   Terapia contra el cáncer DMSO y Laetrile (vitamina B17): Laetrilees conocida por sus fantásticas propiedades anticancerígenas. El establecimiento médico considera que el laetrile es tóxico porque contiene cianuro que es venenoso. Ignoran el hecho de que para volverse venenoso, el laetrilo debe activarse mediante una enzima beta-glucuronidasa, que se encuentra en la mayor cantidad solo en las células cancerosas. La acción de esta enzima se libera del ácido hidrocianico laetril y el benzaldehído, ambos mortales pero posibles solo en las células tumorales. En las células sanas, hay otra enzima llamada rodaneso.y esta enzima no puede ser producida por las células cancerosas; Rodanese neutraliza el cianuro y lo convierte instantáneamente en subproductos beneficiosos para el cuerpo. Laetrile es, por lo tanto, un producto anticancerígeno con un gran potencial y nunca es tóxico para las células sanas, solo desencadena la muerte de las células cancerosas completamente indefensas contra el cianuro generado bajo el efecto de la beta glucuronidasa. Agregar DMSO a laetrile y vitamina C, y administrar esto mediante el método de goteo lento IV ha demostrado un gran efecto anticancerígeno. 
  • Casos de terapia con Laetrile + DMSO:

    • Una mujer cercana a la muerte debido a un cáncer de lengua agresivo, no podía comer nada. Después de que DMSO se combinara con la terapia con laetrile y vitamina C, ella comenzó a comer ya en el día 3 y se recuperó por completo, una recuperación más dramática que un médico en Pasadena afirmó en un paciente con cáncer terminal.
    • Paciente con cáncer cerebral inoperable de 19 años, generalmente mortal en poco tiempo (máx. 3-6 meses) fue tratado con una mezcla de DMSO + laetrile y vitamina C administrada por vía intravenosa. Más de 20 años después, este paciente estaba vivo y disfrutaba la vida, nadie sabe qué pasó con el tumor.
    • Un hombre de 56 años de edad, ubicado en Los Ángeles, tenía cáncer de próstata y una terrible cistitis por radiación causada por la radiación que se le dio a su cáncer, estaba sangrando mucho. Ya después de 3 días de recibir DMSO + laetrile y Vit. C terapia, el sangrado se detuvo y su cáncer desapareció. Él continúa bebiendo DMSO mezclado con jugo de Aloe Vera todos los días desde entonces.

    Muchos médicos en el mundo informaron una terapia exitosa usando DMSO combinado con laetrile e informaron que este tratamiento es significativamente más efectivo que la quimioterapia o la radiación para cualquier tipo de cáncer.

    DMSO y radiación contra el cáncer : las propiedades radioprotectoras de DMSO se conocen desde hace más de 40 años, por lo tanto, es lógico que la terapia con DMSO se use en cualquier radioterapia (lea la revista radiológica rusa Meditsinkskaia)

    Casos de radiación de cáncer DMSO:

    • DMSO se aplicó por vía tópica a 22 pacientes con cáncer de cuello uterino antes de la radiación; 59 pacientes recibieron radiación sin protección DMSO; los 22 pacientes no sufrieron quemaduras por radiación u otros efectos tóxicos
    • Se recomendó a una mujer con cáncer de pulmón en LA que recibiera una radioterapia intensa en sus pulmones y el médico no permitió que le diera la terapia de protección DMSO; tuvo terribles quemaduras en los pulmones y solo después de que terminó la radioterapia y comenzó a tomar DMSO, pudo recuperarse lentamente. En este caso, fue un error del médico no aplicar DMSO antes de la radioterapia.
    • Otra mujer con cáncer de pulmón estaba recibiendo radioterapia severa, pero su médico le permitió recibir terapia DMSO adicional antes y durante la radiación; no tuvo quemaduras, ningún otro efecto tóxico y se recuperó por completo de su cáncer varios meses después de haber tenido una vida normal. Tres años después, ella estaba perfectamente sana y espera vivir muchos años más. 
    • fuente
  • 1) La Plata Coloidal no se debe tomar por más de 30 días seguidos.
  • 2) La Plata Coloidal quita efecto a CDS.
  • 3) El CDS actúa cómo Antibiótico.
  • 4) El DMSO se usa sólo por 5 días seguidos y 2 de descanso, o 3 semanas seguidas y 1 de descanso (se elimina a través del hígado y hay que darle tiempo a qué sea eliminado del cuerpo).
  • 5) El DMSO sirve para mejorar la circulación.
  • 6) El CDS actúa a nivel celular y se puede tomar durante muchos años seguidos sin parar.
  • MUÉRDAGO (planta), ampliamente usado en Alemania y otros paises de Europa

  • El caso milagroso del Dr. Kelley aplicando la teoría de Beard sobre las enzimas
  • Robert Good, médico a investigar su teoria sobre la cura del cancer.
  • Tripsina y Quimotripsina 58,14
  • CBD cannabis
  • Tulsi
  • ALOE VERA  (tiene unos 200 nutrientes, por lo que además de nutrir, limpia los intestinos. Se debe dejar unas 4 horas como mínimo en agua para eliminar la "aloina" que es irritante.
  • La quercetina tiene efectos antioxidantes y antiinflamatorios, que podrían ayudar a reducir la inflamación, combatir las células cancerosas, controlar los niveles de azúcar en la sangre y ayudar a prevenir las cardiopatías.
  • kalanchoe (planta medicinal)

THE C U R E S OF CANCER: 9 episodios en inglés sobre la curación del cancer por métodos efectivos, naturales y no invasivos. La verdadera sanación requiere de un compromiso del paciente por su propia curación, lo cual puede implicar un cambio de vida, alimentación y sanar desde el interior lo que le estaba haciendo daño, ya sean relaciones, pensamientos, alimentación o vida tóxica, solo entonces comienza la sanación real de esta enfermedad.
dr. clark :


The premiere episode of “A Global Quest” is LIVE... and we wanted to make 100% sure you had the link to watch it. wink

Watch Episode 1 for FREE >>

It’s called “The True History of Chemotherapy & The Pharmaceutical Monopoly” and it sets the stage for the entire series. You don’t want to miss this episode, because you need to know what’s going on…

Six things you can expect to learn tonight:

  • The true history of chemotherapy and how the original “chemos” were based on the mustard gas used in the world wars
  • Why has the “War on Cancer” become a 50-year “conflict” that’s failed miserably and resulted in millions of deaths?
  • Proof that corruption and fear are being used to enslave cancer patients
  • Big Pharma’s sneaky trick: “Ghost articles” that make it look like doctors are singing their praises, but guess who’s really writing them?
  • Meet the heroes: Doctors who dared to cure cancer and paid the ultimate price
  • The Hoxsey treatment: Discover the underground cancer cure happening in Mexico and meet the survivors who owe their lives to it
  • And that’s just the beginning...

Watch Episode 1 HERE right now >>

The only way we’re going to beat this disease is to understand exactly WHAT it is, WHY we treat it the way we do now, and what we can do DIFFERENTLY moving forward.

Help us spread the word by commenting and sharing in the section below the video.  

God bless,

Ty & Charlene


Welcome to the ultimate game of email dodgeball, where we outsmart the Google/Gmail robots who seem to think our perfectly legitimate messages are spam. Yes, we’ve been censored to the extent that we are now forced into adding a mountain of generic fluff at the end of this email just to trick the censoring overlords. So, if you see a lot of nonsense below, just ignore it. It’s our little rebellion against the spam police. Enjoy!
Benefits of Black Seed The seeds of the annual flowering plant, Nigella Sativa, have been prized for their healing properties since time immemorial. While frequently referred to among English-speaking cultures as Roman coriander, black sesame, black cumin, black caraway and onion seed, it is known today primarily as black seed, which is at the very least an accurate description of its physical appearance. The earliest record of its cultivation and use come from ancient Egypt. Black seed oil, in fact, was found in Egyptian pharoah Tutankhamun’s tomb, dating back to approximately 3,300 years ago.[i] In Arabic cultures, black cumin is known as Habbatul barakah, meaning the “seed of blessing.” It is also believed that the Islamic prophet Mohammed said of it that it is “a remedy for all diseases except death.” Many of black cumin’s traditionally ascribed health benefits have been thoroughly confirmed in the biomedical literature. In fact, since 1964, there have been 656 published, peer-reviewed studies referencing it. We have indexed salient research, available to view on on our Black Seed (Nigella Sativa) page, on well over 40 health conditions that may be benefited from the use of the herb, including over 20 distinct pharmacological actions it expresses. These 30 pharmacological actions are only a subset of a far wider number of beneficial properties intrinsic to the black seed. While it is remarkable that this seed has the ability to positively modulate so many different biological pathways, this is actually a rather common occurrence among traditional plant medicines. Our project has identified over 1600 natural compounds with a wide range of health benefits, and we are only in our first 5 years of casual indexing. There are tens of thousands of other substances that have already been researched, with hundreds of thousands of studies supporting their medicinal value (MEDLINE, whence our study abstracts come, has over 600,000 studies classified as related to Complementary and Alternative Medicine). Take turmeric, for example. We have identified research indicating its value in over 600 health conditions, while also expressing over 160 different potentially beneficial pharmacological actions. You can view the quick summary of over 1500 studies we have summarized on our Turmeric Research page, which includes an explorative video on turmeric. Professional database members are further empowered to manipulate the results according to their search criteria, i.e. pull up and print to PDF the 61 studies on turmeric and breast cancer. This, of course, should help folks realize how voluminous the supportive literature indicating the medicinal value of natural substances, such as turmeric and black seed, really is. Black seed has been researched for very specific health conditions. Some of the most compelling applications include: Type 2 Diabetes: Two grams of black seed a day resulted in reduced fasting glucose, decreased insulin resistance, increased beta-cell function, and reduced glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) in human subjects.[ii] Helicobacter Pylori Infection: Black seeds possess clinically useful anti-H. pylori activity, comparable to triple eradication therapy.[iii] Epilepsy: Black seeds were traditionally known to have anticonvulsive properties. A 2007 study with epileptic children, whose condition was refractory to conventional drug treatment, found that a water extract significantly reduced seizure activity.[iv] High Blood pressure: The daily use of 100 and 200 mg of black seed extract, twice daily, for 2 months, was found to have a blood pressure-lowering effect in patients with mild hypertension.[v] Asthma: Thymoquinone, one of the main active constituents within Nigella sativa (black cumin), is superior to the drug fluticasone in an animal model of asthma.[vi] Another study, this time in human subjects, found that boiled water extracts of black seed have relatively potent anti-asthmatic effect on asthmatic airways.[vii] Acute tonsillopharyngitis: characterized by tonsil or pharyngeal inflammation (i.e. sore throat), mostly viral in origin, black seed capsules (in combination with Phyllanthus niruri) have been found to significantly alleviate throat pain, and reduce the need for pain-killers, in human subjects.[viii] Chemical Weapons Injury: A randomized, placebo-controlled human study of chemical weapons injured patients found that boiled water extracts of black seed reduced respiratory symptoms, chest wheezing, and pulmonary function test values, as well as reduced the need for drug treatment.[ix] Colon Cancer: Cell studies have found that black seed extract compares favorably to the chemoagent 5-fluoruracil in the suppression of colon cancer growth, but with a far higher safety profile.[x] Animal research has found that black seed oil has significant inhibitory effects against colon cancer in rats, without observable side effects.[xi] MRSA: Black seed has anti-bacterial activity against clinical isolates of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus.[xii] Opiate Addiction/Withdrawal: A study on 35 opiate addicts found black seed as an effective therapy in long-term treatment of opioid dependence.[xiii] Sometimes the biblical reference to ‘faith the size of a mustard seed moving mountains’ comes to mind in connection with natural substances like black seeds. After all, do seeds not contain within them the very hope for continuance of the entire species that bore it? This super-saturated state of the seed, where life condenses itself down into an intensely miniaturized holographic fragment of itself, promising the formation of future worlds within itself, is the very emblem of life’s immense and immortal power. If we understand the true nature of the seed, how much life (past, present and future) is contained within it, it will not seem so far-fetched that it is capable of conquering antibiotic resistant bacteria, healing the body from chemical weapons poisoning, or stimulate the regeneration of dying insulin-producing beta cells in the diabetic, to name but only a fraction of black seed’s experimentally-confirmed powers. Moving the mountain of inertia and falsity associated with the conventional concept of disease, is a task well-suited for seeds and not chemicals. The greatest difference, of course, between a seed and a patented synthetic chemical (i.e. pharmaceutical drug), is that Nature (God) made the former, and men with profit-motives and a deranged understanding of the nature of the body made the latter. The time, no doubt, has come for food, seeds, herbs, plants, sunlight, air, clean water, and yes, love, to assume once again their central place in medicine, which is to say, the art and science of facilitating self-healing within the human body. Failing this, the conventional medical system will crumble under the growing weight of its own corruption, ineptitude, and iatrogenic suffering (and subsequent financial liability) it causes. To the degree that it reforms itself, utilizing non-patented and non-patentable natural compounds with actual healing properties, a brighter future awaits on the horizon. To the degree that it fails, folks will learn to take back control over their health themselves, which is why black seed, and other food-medicines, hold the key to self-empowerment. Vitamin D is one of the most powerful and abundant resources on the planet. Vitamin D can help strengthen your bones and teeth. It can help regulate insulin levels, combat diabetes, and prevent unhealthy weight gain. Vitamin D also supports your immune system, helping your body’s natural defenses protect you from disease (which is why it’s so effective against COVID-19). Proper vitamin D levels can even result in healthier pregnancies, healthier infants, and improved mental health. On the other hand, vitamin D deficiency has been linked to cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, multiple sclerosis and autism. Over 40% of American adults are deficient in vitamin D, which is why getting regular time in the sun (and boosting your levels with diet and supplements) is so important.A 2007 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition indicated that appropriate levels of vitamin D3 (and calcium) reduced the risk of cancer by a staggering 77%! A 2009 study published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology by a group of Leeds University researchers actually found that higher levels of vitamin D were linked to improved skin cancer survival odds, while other studies have found that vitamin D has a connection to a strong immune response in the body.Ultraviolet B (UVB) sunlight is used by your skin to make vitamin D, which is a cancer-fighting superstar. For those of us farther from the equator, we only get a little bit of UVB, usually in the middle of the day and during summer months. By comparison, people living in countries closer to the equator are bathed in UVB year-round for most of the day. But new research shows that the anti-cancer effects of vitamin D increase substantially in older age – especially in those over 45. With good vitamin D levels, cells can communicate better with their neighboring cells due to higher production of cadherin molecules. With low vitamin D levels, cells don’t know that they are surrounded by other cells, so they divide uncontrollably, causing cancer. Research published in BMC Public Health suggests that the anti-cancer effect of vitamin D is hard to notice in people under age 45. The study’s researchers analyzed the global differences in colorectal cancer (one of the most common forms of cancer). They found that younger people in low-UVB countries had nearly the same rates of cancer as younger people in high-UVB countries. However, when looking at people older than 45, those in low-UVB countries had dramatically higher rates of cancer than those in high-UVB countries.Now, this certainly doesn’t mean that vitamin D isn’t important in younger people. In fact, it’s most important to maintain healthy levels while you’re young. You see, the cancer-causing effects of low vitamin D take a long time to develop. Just because we don’t observe the impact on cancer until later in life doesn’t mean we should wait to start getting prime sunshine.Vitamin D is a powerful cancer-fighter at any age. As we get older, it can be harder to get the vitamin D that our bodies need. Especially in winter, as the earth tilts further away from the sun, it’s essential that we boost our vitamin D levels with nutrition and supplements. It could be the difference between life and death. In 2019, three meta-analyses were published that show a consistent and significant 13% reduction in cancer mortality with vitamin D. Each year there are nearly 10 MILLION deaths caused by cancer. If vitamin D can reduce cancer mortality by 13%, we could potentially save 1,300,000 lives every year! In 2021, a group of German researchers had the same hypothesis. In an article titled “Vitamin D supplementation to the older adult population in Germany has the cost-saving potential of preventing almost 30,000 cancer deaths per year” (published in the scientific journal Molecular Oncology), they proposed that all patients older than 50 years receive vitamin D supplements. If all persons older than 50 in Germany were given a daily dose of 1000 IU of vitamin D, almost 30,000 cancer deaths a year could be prevented, and Germany’s annual costs for cancer care would be slashed by more than €250 ($300) million, says the team.

jueves, 11 de noviembre de 2021

el esquema corporal

muchos problemas del niño con letras, números, sílabas o motricidad son simplemente una deficiente asimilación de su esquema corporal.

Explicación de qué es:

Actividades para trabajarlo:

Trabajándolo se erradican los problemas y no se debe confundir con la dislexia y discalculia.

lunes, 1 de noviembre de 2021

Teoría de los humores

La medicina e incluso la governs de los países difiere según el tipo de persona o personalidad de las naciones